Structural Analysis and Design
Windas Work Station
Windas is a specialized engineering software for design and fabrication of space frame, tensile membrane, ETFE cushion and TensiNet. Running on parallel and cluster, Windas accommodates unlimited number of elements & nodes for structural analysis and automatic design.
For more than 35 years, Windas Work Station has been used to design more than 1000+ large span or lightweight structure across the globe.
Space Frame and Truss Design

Tensile Membrane Design

Inflatable Membrane Design

Wide Span Cable Truss Design

Commercial Greenhouse Design

Racking System Design

Windas Finite Element Solver
A total solution for lightweight structure
3D finite element solvers for truss, beam, cable, membrane, shell and solid member. With fast processing capabilities, Windas 64bits fast iterative solver has made the analysis process more efficient and able to execute more than a Million 3D elements within minutes.

Linear solver
To solve the system of linear equation [K] {d} = {R} under static loading

Unfactored Load Combination
Analyze the imposition of governing dead and life loads onto the structure for serviceability state design

Factored Load Combination
Automatic member design with designated load multiplier in any code of practice

Structure geometrical configuration under loading condition for local and global element

Mode Shape
Eigen analysis to obtain natural frequencies and corresponding vibration mode shape

Load Buckling
Eigen analysis to obtain buckling resistance and mode of structure.

Tensile Membrane
Geometrical Nonlinear solver for membrane and ETFE cushion analysis

Tensinet and Cablenet
Iterative incremental nonlinear analysis for catenary cable and struct supported structure

SemiLoof Shell
Advanced analyses for high performance curved and layered plate and shell elements
Additional Features
Windas comes with other powerful feature such as FEM connection design and CFD Wind Simulator to aid in design analysis.

Shell element used to analyse the tree branches of connection.
Connection Design
3D solid in tetrahedral, hexahedral and brick element is adopted in steel connection analysis.

CFD Wind Simulator
Integrated with OpenFOAM toolbox to obtain net wind pressure distribution on the structure.

Solution for various industries and application
Windas offers Phangolin, a Grasshopper Rhino plugin, to create complex 3D model and execute analysis directly from your CAD model. With fast and efficient solver, automatic member design and manufacturing solution for steel, tensile membrane, and tensinet within one compact software.

Phangolin is a parametric structural engineering tool which provides convenience in design & analysis work. Supporting spatial trusses, frames and shells in complex algorithmic geometry. Phangolin users can easily define boundary conditions and alter the structure geometry of their model in Rhino – Grasshopper environment.